There’s an old Arabic saying “كُلٌ يَرى بِعَينِ طَبْعِهِ” which roughly translates to “Everyone sees through a lens of their own nature”. If you are cruel and mean, you see the world as cruel and mean. If you are loving and kind, you see the world as loving and kind. But what do you do when you are overflowing with love and the world keeps knocking you down?
You didn’t come from a broken home or poor neighborhood. You weren’t the typical bully we see in movies. You came from a happy home and wealthy neighborhood. You were my own personal bully because your mind saw what I had and then could only focus on what you lacked. I triggered you.
You called me names and dragged me through the dirt. You pushed me against lockers and threw heavy books at my chest. You made up stories and people listened; always craving more and adding their own personal blend of spices. You made sure everything I was told made me special, was now what would break me. And just like that, I started to believe you.
You yelled “You skipped a grade?” and I stuttered “how dare I.”
You screamed “You speak French?” and I trembled “how dare I.”
You fumed “Your body matured?” and I recoiled “how dare I.”
You lashed “You’re different?” and I broke… “how dare I.”
But you see that’s the thing with sweet peaches and fragrant flowers, they need manure in order to blossom and grow. And that is exactly what you were to me.
I could have lost myself and turned into you. I could have easily become just as hateful and just as heartless. A punishment I truly believe is worse than death.
You forced me into a world lived through your cracked lens and it showed me how vibrant and welcoming my world truly is. Your vulnerable inhumanity showed me the strength in my humanity. Your apathy showed me the beauty in empathy. Your cruelty showed me just how loving I can be.
I now live in a world that only offers peace, success, kindness and love.
So thank you. You saved my life.
Oh, did I forget to mention it’s a Cosmpolitan world now too?