Whether it’s authentic African delicacies, healthy salads, or vegan bowls you’re craving, Gbemi Giwa has ticked all the boxes. The fitness-influencer-turned-food-entrepreneur has a seriously impressive CV that boasts a rosta of mouth-watering eateries, including Catfish, Gbemi’s Kitchen, Salad Loco and Vegan AF. 

On switching up your university degree…

“I actually got a scholarship to study civil engineering and after two semesters of calculus and physics, I was like, I’m not doing this anymore, so I switched my major to design management. Courses like marketing and business management were so instrumental because I use them every day with me right now.”

On recovering from failures…

“After I quit my first job. I launched a social media agency and I had zero idea what I was doing. I thought that I could create social media content just because I was an influencer, but the business side of things is so much deeper. Eventually we closed down, but I bounced back because another opportunity came my way and it was very hard, but I had decided to move on.”

On advice to live by…

“Everything is figureout-able. Don’t worry about stuff, you can do anything that yo set your mind to. You can definitely do it surround yourself right now with the right people. The right mindset will get you far.”

On messages to your 16-year-old self…

“I believe that you can do absolutely anything that you think that you can. I think that’s one of the biggest fears that I had as a young woman. At 16, I was so tense. I wanted so much out of life and I’d be worried about stuff. So I’ll just say, relax, you’re fine, you got this.”

On not giving up on dreams…

“I think the will to continue to work and work on your dreams is very hard. There have been so many times that I’ve felt like giving up, but the goal to achieve is so much greater than that and you get over yourself and just move on.”

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