Ready to manifest your best life, bestie? You certainly deserve it. We suggest crafting a vision board to co-create your dream existence with the Universe. To get the low down on this high vibin’ technique, we chatted with spiritual growth coach, Maria Leonard, to get all the deets on how to do it properly.
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Vision Boards 101
“A vision board is a physical artwork made of pictures and words to turn your dreams and goals into a reality. Its purpose is to bring your thoughts and emotions into your life easier. When you visualise specifically what you want, you can create it. By finding the pictures that describe your goals and use positive empowerment phrases (aka affirmations) you are physicalising what is in your mind and bringing it closer to help you manifest. It’s a fun way to explore what is it you really want and keep your focus towards it.”
Find your why
Start by “focusing on either one area of life or choose your top three. For example, themes can be money, love, and health. Find affirmations that can match your vision. In Life Scripting, I recommend using the three verbs I am, I have, and I feel.”
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Get into the vibe
After you’ve settled on the areas you want to cover in your vision board, get into the vibe by “putting on some manifesting frequencies such as 528hz. For the deeper, creative part of your manifesting journey, find pictures either online or in magazines, print and/or cut them up. Get an A4 paper or A3 if you want do a bigger one.”
Affirm your intentions
“Write the affirmations in a clockwise technique and then put the pictures around those affirmations that match the intention. Examples of affirmations include:
Everything is always working out perfectly for me.
I am always at the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people.
I am a magnet of blessings.
I always get what I want.
Life is always on my side.“
Do this…
In terms of what to put on your vision board, make sure it’s “only the things you want. The images and words you want to experience in your life. This is not a journal to express what you are going through. Instead, you are creating the future with the mindset of trust that you deserve to have what you want.”
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…Not this
Avoid using “depressing or heartbreaking words and images on your vision board. Don’t write words like want, will, in the future, next year. You are telling the universe and yourself this is not happening yet and there is a long timeline. If you want to put a timeline I would suggest using the word now to command that this is going to happen sooner than later.”
Keep it here
Now that your board is made, it’s time to place it somewhere special. Ideally, somewhere you can see it every day. To get the VIP upgrade to your manifestation status, “put your vision board in the south corner of your home. Based on feng shui, that’s the corner of fame and success.” Another idea is to make a digital vision board on the lock screen of your phone. This is “a great way to always see it daily and remind yourself of your future vision.”
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The waiting game
Curious to know how long it’ll take for your vision board to start working? “There is no fixed timeline. We all have our unique journeys and path. Review it every three months to see what has manifested into your life.” Remember, you do need to take inspired action in life as well. Your vision board is helping you be clear, pave the way, motivate you, and create a vibration of attraction of what you desire.”
Spiritual coach, Maria Leonard, is based in Dubai. She’s the founder of manifesting program, Life Scripting, and offers spiritual workshops across the Emirates. Connect with Maria here.