Pokémon Go is not only ruining people’s lives, it’s apparently also causing them to have minor mental breakdowns.
After a bunch of people started showing up at Kristen Tuff Scott’s workplace with the sole purpose of catching Pokémon, she decided to download the augmented reality game in hopes of clearing out the area so they’d stop. But instead, she quickly found herself addicted to the game like everyone else — and in a video diary posted on Monday, Kristen aired out all of her Pokémon Go woes with a full-blown existential crisis. Unsurprisingly, it’s easily one of the funniest and most relatable videos about the app yet.
“I feel stupid, I want to catch them, but I feel stupid,” she said. “This is just not where I saw myself at 27 years old. I got to get it together. I have a problem.”
At least Kristen can take comfort in knowing that she’s definitely not alone.
Originally appeared on Cosmopolitan.com