Want to know what’s in store for your 2021 March horoscope? It’s all in the cards…
(Four of Wands, Ten of Wands, Nine of Wands)
A trio of Wands cards sees you running around like a headless chicken a bit this month! Oh well, if any sign can handle periods of intense activity, then it’s you, Aries! The Nine and Ten of Wands will make your schedule look, frankly, ridiculous. How are you going to do it all? My friend, you just WILL, because it’s how you’re built. You’ve got a big engine. The good news is that all your efforts will be rewarded, as shown by the pleasing Four of Wands. Investments made in work, finances, home improvement and healthy lifestyle changes are all looking good in March.
(Three of Cups, Five of Cups, The Fool)
You are going to turn a corner this month, Taurus, and feel a whole lot better about things in general, like a weight has been lifted. The Five of Cups shows you’ve been hesitant and unsure recently, and your gaze has been drawn to the past, wondering if you did the right thing. You did! Trust me, it all happened for a good reason. The Three of Cups asks you to have fun in March, invest in pleasure and indulgence (no hardship there), and The Fool tells you to treat this month like a belated New Year. NOW you are in the right headspace to make resolutions, create goals, and set off towards a new horizon.
(Ten of Swords, Two of Wands, The Hanged Man)
You are a busy bee, starting lots of new projects, over-committing yourself and your time tbh, and those chickens are going to come to roost. The Ten of Swords is a sharp reminder that your resources are finite, and you need to prioritise, and that really means saying ‘no’ to stuff, and even getting rid of some existing activity. The Two of Wands and Hanged Man combine to show that you’re running at 100mph right now JUST to stand still. There is too much to try and keep up with. Thin the trees, lighten the load. Less is more, Gemini.
(The Chariot, Queen of Wands, Temperance)
A deep-rooted and intense sense of purpose is emerging in your heart and soul, and it’s literally driving you to forge ahead on a quest that fills inspiring and authentically ~you~! Temperance and The Chariot show you have reached a new understanding of your calling right now, and you’re heading out on a journey to manifest it IRL. The Queen of Wands shows that new locations, travel, movement and risk-taking applications are all in play. You are broadening your horizons, and it feels great. Go for it, Cancer!
(The Wheel of Fortune, Seven of Cups, Three of Coins)
They do say that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I don’t think it means you have to be an annoying whining attention seeker to get what you want, it just means if people don’t know what you want then how can they help you? So, the Seven of Cups tells you to bring your ideas and hopes OUT of your imagination, and articulate them out loud. Do so because the Three of Coins hints someone listening can help you manifest them IRL. And the Wheel of Fortune shows this one thing could lead to a massive chain reaction of positive transformation across your whole life! Get ~squeaking~, Leo!
(King of Wands, Queen of Coins, King of Swords)
The Kings and Queens of the tarot are walking beside you this month ahead, Virgo, and I hope that makes you feel safe and confident, because it should! The King of Wands brings you courage and a risk-taking approach to big decisions, because YOLO, right? The Queen of Coins makes sure that you mitigate the pitfalls and act pragmatically enough to always land on your feet, or have a handy escape route if you don’t (hey, better safe than sorry). The King of Swords ensures your Mercurial mind is as sharp as ever, and you’re spotting the right opportunities, and the right way to maximise them. You have got it going on. You can’t lose. Go for your heart’s desire!
(The Emperor, The Hermit, Ace of Wands)
Two powerful major arcana cards grace you this month, Libra, so you are going to have an intense, life-changing, and positive time of it. The Emperor sees you taking charge, being in control, leading the way, and putting YOUR agenda at the heart of your plans (for a change). The Hermit shows this is a moment of enlightenment for you; a realisation that if you’re not driving the bus, who is? Why would you trust someone else to make your dreams come true, right? The Ace of Wands shows you are going to make a fresh start, linked to work or education, that feels inspiring, exciting and, importantly, authentically ~you~. This is a game changer month.
(King of Cups, Six of Coins, Ace of Coins)
I feel like you’re reviewing your relationship landscape this March Scorpio, and looking at people you’ve perhaps ignored, let go of, miss, or written off too quickly. You’re usually very blunt with your decisions about people, and don’t second guess yourself, but time and isolation have got you reflecting. The King of Cups shows that there ARE people you could welcome back to the fold, who deserve their place. The Six of Coins shows that an olive branch, kind word, or nice gesture, from you would go a long, long way and be reciprocated. And, finally, the Ace of Coins shows things won’t be back to how they were overnight, but they will steadily move in the right direction. Don’t delay – reach out today.
(Six of Cups, Eight of Coins, Five of Wands)
You’re hitting a bump in the road Sagittarius, a blockage or obstacle in a long-term pathway, and it makes you feel like giving up the whole thing. The Five of Wands is the fly in your ointment, but it’s not a ~deadly~ one, it can be resolved and overcome, so don’t give up, OK? The Eight of Coins is the tarot’s encouragement card, saying that effort and hard work will push you over the hump and onto easier roads. The Six of Cups is a hint that someone or something from your past can help – be it a connection, a person, a talent or skill. Take a look behind you to notice what friendly faces you see in your past that might assist you right now.
(Knight of Swords, Two of Wands, Eight of Wands)
If you’re not sending clear signals, then you’re likely to be attracting confusing input in return, it’s like a vicious circle, Capricorn. The Two of Wands reveals your doubt or inner confusion, and asks you to come down on one side or the other. Know where you stand, because then you know where you’re heading. The Knight of Swords says this is vital if you want to move ahead, vs just going in circles, and that the time to get clear and emit clarity is NOW. Happily, when you do, the Eight of Wands promises that a backlog of relevant news, information and opportunity will flow your way. The Universe has been waiting for you to make your mind up, and can now gift you with openings!
(The Moon, Seven of Swords, Two of Swords)
There’s a shroud of secrecy and illusion hovering over you this month, Aquarius, which makes me ask ‘what are you up to?’. The Moon is all about the hidden ego, the subconscious, the unknown, and, alongside the shady Seven of Swords, could hint that your motives have veered off course a little, and you might need to have a chat with yourself about what you’re up to, and why. It might be that someone close to you is veering off course, so look closely at their actions (and maybe what IS NOT being said). Pay attention. The Two of Swords reveals this is all leading to an important decision, maybe one you don’t want to make, and maybe that is why you’re suppressing stuff. Let it all out. You can handle this. Let reality be reality, and deal with it.
(Five of Coins, The Sun, Ten of Coins)
Pisces, have faith, because things are not HALF as bad as you think they are, or have been torturing yourself about. The Five of Coins shows that, sure, you have faced hardship and loss, and these events were painful. You are entitled to take time to heal, but please don’t pick at the scab! Let it heal. The Sun and Ten of Coins show that you’re now on the right path, and things are just going to get better and better for you. Have faith, be led by your best hopes not your worst fears. Invest in making exciting plans, and invest in having fun and seeking pleasure. Yours is a life worth living.
Via Cosmopolitan UK